DAPPLED is a dark, modern-day fairy tale that explores teen mental health and the power of words and images to shape our sense of self. It is the latest 28-page one-shot comic from Anthony N. Castle and Chadwick Ashby.
DAPPLED tells the story of a young person who is hated for being different. The boy encounters an urban legend about a magical guide that can help him escape and change who he is: from something strange into something glorious.
The boy summons the guide but soon realises that the bargain may cost more than he first thought…
DAPPLED is a rite of passage story influenced by the art of James O’Barr and the poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins
The comic is officially launching alongside Heart of Millyera: Prelude by Jess Cate and Jana Hoffmann at Greenlight Comics on Friday, November 18th from 7:00pm to 8:30.